2025 Logansport Community Build

Announcement! It’s time to come together… It's building time! Habitat for Humanity of Cass County is excited to announce that the City of Logansport will be the lead sponsor of the “2025 Logansport Community Build.”
Who is Invited? As a valued member of the Logansport community, Cass County Habitat invites you to join in building a house with a local family in need of affordable home ownership. The goal is to build a house in
which volunteer labor and funding is provided by a variety of community partners- Financial Institutions, Churches, Civic Organizations, Businesses, and a plethora of individuals. This is a house-raising… all of our neighbors are invited!
What is Habitat? Habitat for Humanity of Cass County is a Christian ministry that builds houses in partnership with families in need of affordable home ownership. The houses are built using volunteer labor and are sold with a no or low-interest mortgage. The prospective home buyer contributes 250 hours of sweat equity per adult family member. Funding to build the houses comes primarily from the private sector. Affordable homeownership helps create the conditions that free families from instability, stress, and fear. Decent, affordable housing provides families with a place to gather and grow. According to the 2023 Logansport Housing Study, 42% of renter-occupied households spend more than 30% of their income on rent.
Why the Community Build? The idea of a “Logansport Community Build” came from Cass County Habitat’s shared need to increase its capacity in addressing affordable
homeownership solutions. It didn’t want to be a building club, where only a few are involved… but an organization that belongs to all who are interested in helping families attain a decent, affordable, place to live. The Cass County Habitat Board wanted to put into practice its mission of bringing people together to build homes, community, and hope. In doing so… the capacity to serve is increased.
Partner Logistics: We are asking Community Partners to contribute $100K toward this build. The $100K is divided into six buckets. The City of Logansport will contribute $25K for the first
bucket. The remaining five buckets are in $15K increments. Financial Institutions will be asked to contribute a collective $15K; Churches $15K; Businesses $15K, Organizations $15K, and Individuals $15K.
In addition... There will be a total of 13 scheduled eight-hour volunteer workdays as well as additional volunteer opportunities on an as-needed basis.
Thank You Sponsors!
Lead Sponsor:




Financial Institutions:

Don Allison
William R. Cole
Allen & Tonya Douglass
Ralph Hermanson
Milt & Chris Hess
Karen Lank
Don Morphet
Roger J. Ness
Margaret Perrone
Want to be added here?
Go to Support for campaign details or contact Scott Jewell at 574-516-2407 or scottj@casshabitat.org.